Service lines

in Tax

Corporate Taxations 

We can offer a full range of services to all of corporate taxation in Japan such as
     Corporate Income Tax (CIT)
     Consumption Tax (VAT)
     Local business taxes

Fee estimation:  
    CIT Final tax return service  -  from JPY240,000 (+VAT)

Individual Income Taxation

There are lots kind of Individual Income Taxes in Japan which we can serve you 
      Business income
      Employment income
      Real estate income (Rental income)
      Capital gains from transfer of land, buildings
      Capital gains from transfer of shares
      Income for lump-sum payment, etc.,

Fee Estimation:
       IIT Final tax return service  -  from JPY70,000     (+VAT)

Inheritance Tax, Gift Tax

If you have real estate/shares in Japan and you make transfer of it by gift or inheritance, it might means  "domestic source in Japan" to be your tax filing obligation to Japan.
We can be your tax representative and tax professional to lawfully file tax returns.

Fee Estimation:
     Ask for personal estimation

Service lines

in Accounting

Financial reports

We can provide financial report service to prepare the financial statements required for the purposes of shareholders meeting/accounting /financing. 

Fee Estimation:
 Financial report service -
 from JPY150,000 (+VAT)

Internal Reports

If there is a need for internal reporting to your HQ, we serve you to prepare accounting/financing documents required on monthly/quarterly/yearly basis.

Fee Estimation:
      Ask for personal estimation


We are proud of accuracy in our accounting services. Our skills and experiments in book-keeping service would be the key factor of your business success.

Fee Estimation:
      Book-keeping service  -
        from JPY25,000/month(+VAT)

Service lines

in Finance

Business Plan support

We have been supporting to draft your business plans for getting bank loans at the minimum range of interest rates, including governmental loans.

Fee Estimation:
    Business plan for bank finance -
     from JPY180,000 (+VAT)

Subsidy/Grants/Special treatment of Taxation application support

How you can get the subsidies/Grants/Special treatment of Taxation is significant matter for keeping your financial statement healthy.

Fee Estimation:
   from whichever greater 
   JPY200,000 or 10% of Financial benefits (+VAT)